For example you can use this technique to make all words the same size. Therefore you can reduce the size of the biggest word in the edit mode thus making all other words proportionally smaller. customize font, theme, color, orientation, and shape. HINT: Words in your word artwork cannot be bigger than the biggest word (first in the words table). Making word cloud is fun, and is much more fun with Tagxedo With Tagxedo, you can: make word clouds in real-time.

If you want words sizes to be more precise according to the values in the size column then click on the options button in the words section and choose "use size column" for the size parameter. Select your text and go to Insert > WordArt.You can also change a word's size value, but by default it will only have impact on its position in the table. Words are placed from top to bottom, therefore the closer a word to the top, the bigger it will be. Use up / down buttons in the words section to change its position.Select Insert > Shapes and select SmartArt, Picture, Clip Art, Chart or Screenshot.There are 3 options to change the size of a word: To add a drawing in Word, select the area where you want to create the drawing in your document. On the Shape Format tab (or SmartArt Format tab, Chart Format tab), in the WordArt.Smart users will make just two boxes (top and left), position and format them then copy those two for the matching bottom and right boxes. Then drag each box to its exact position. Use the Insert Text Box Draw Text Box option to roughly place the four boxes around the object. These drawing objects are part of Word, and you can enhance or change them with patterns, colors, borders and other effects. Here’s a chart with four text boxes around it. Choose a flowchart template from the Process category. You can add SmartArt, pictures, charts, clip art or drawing objects like WordArt, flowcharts, diagrams and more. Click the Insert tab in your Word ribbon, then select Illustrations > SmartArt. Unlike in Word 20, classic WordArt added with Word 2010 and Word. You can add classic WordArt to Word 2003 and Word 2007 documents opened in Word 2010 or Word 2013 by adding the WordArt (compatibility mode) control to your Word 2010 and Word 2013 ribbon or quick access toolbar. If you want to enhance your Word document, you can add a drawing instead of using basic lines and shapes, or freeform shapes. Classic WordArt object pasted in a Word 2013 document. If you want to delete a line, select the Stroke eraser and click on the line to erase it. WordArt is a gallery of text styles that you can add to your publications to create. Press and hold Ctrl while pressing an arrow key to move in small increments. When the cursor changes to the four headed arrow, do one or more of the following: Drag it to the new location. To move multiple text boxes or shapes, press and hold Ctrl while you select the borders. The handles on block arrow shapes can be used to size the arrowhead and body, etc. Select the border of the WordArt, text box, or shape to move. To erase a small or large area, click, hold and drag your mouse over the area you want to delete. Some shapes have square yellow handles that can change the shape for example, the Pie shape under Basic Shapes can be dragged to have a larger or smaller fraction of the pie. Stroke eraser to erase the whole stroke.Word offers an Eraser tool in its Drawing tools menu to erase any mistakes in your drawings.